Hi all,

I just received the scores for my 10yo, he is not a Davidson scholar but is moderately gifted (FSIQ 135) with WJIII scores from 1.5y ago being in the 92-99.8 percentiles, math being his strongest.

I know how to interpret the scores, I'm at a bit of a loss to understand the meaning in relation to how his school is handling him. He receives the typical "strong" recognition and is pulled out 2x/week for 45 min each LA and math, all other differentiation simply means he's in the top reading and math groups in class but little else. He is not a school kid, would much prefer to be running plays in football, soccer or climbing anything! He is not very focused but gets the job done albeit grudgingly and with little interest. He gets good grades, especially in math but his writing is like pulling teeth. No 2E issues, just no interest. Here are his scores:

Eng 13 (7/7)
Math 15
Reading 16
Science 18
Composite 16

Avg. 8th grader 15.5 composite score

I can't find any data on 4th graders from last year, only 5th and 6th where he seems to be on par except in English which I find funny b/c he's actually quite good gramatically. I am not sure what to thing about the math score. It's almost as though the areas where he does receive challenge in school (reading/sci), he scored better whereas his math score seems depressed and I know it's his easiest subject.

Thoughts? And, really, are these scores any good? I have a hard time knowing b/c my younger son is a DYS and can pretty much score this way in 2nd grade. Not a pretty comparison but it's all I have until you guys chime in!


Shannon L.