Thanks everyone. I think our biggest problem with math right now is with probability. My son enjoyed that part of math until we were faced with medical decisions that we have to base on probability. On paper, a less than 1% chance of something seems insignificant, but if it is your chance of death from surgery and you have to have that surgery, it seems like a lot. Knowing that there is any chance at all is a lot to deal with. Add to that the risk of paralysis and other complications, and it is very difficult to think about. Any time we try to do math we think of this. There was an extremely low probability that he would be born with something that nobody else in our family had and yet it happened to him and he wants to know why. I wonder if the probability was actually higher because of my husband's exposure to herbicides (Agent Orange) in Vietnam or the fact that I was an older mom, but we will never know. I feel like my brain has been hijacked. It is hard to focus on anything other than the medical issues. Things related to the medical issues keep popping into my head.

For now, we are limiting our homeschooling to history, psychology, politics, current events, and tvtropes. I am sure my college professor sister-in-law would not approve, especially the fact that I am letting my son read tvtropes for hours instead of making him do math, but we are in survival mode here and laughter really is the best medicine when you have anxiety and medical issues. My son always made up really good jokes and improv scenarios to go along with what was happening around him. His friends in musical theater always told me they liked that about him. It makes sense to me that we should be studying comedy instead of math for now.