Thanks,bronalex. Knowing my child, I think public school system with teacher-led learning will not work for my kid. At least not at this point: she hates to be taught. But like you say, things might change.

Kathie_k, you completely hit the nail on its head with your response. I am guessing you have been mulling over this decision as well. The current preschool is 10 kids and one teacher in one room in a small church. I love it for its scale and the teacher completely gets my dd. But I suspect dd will outgrow the school in a year, and the teacher has hinted as much. We can make option 2 work if we move to a lower school tax district and instead spend money on tuition. We moved to a really good school district four years ago. The taxes are horrendously high and now that I am starting to ask around, the reviews are not that good. One of my friend's friend ( who I briefly met at a bday party) has a gifted son in our public school and she had nothing good to say. It seems they just give him more of the same in an attempt to challenge him and her son has stopped doing all home work. So option 2 for us would definitely entail a move. Thanks so much for weighing in on each option for me. Truly appreciated!

Zen_Scanner, unfortunately I didn't find anything on the school's website about early entry or subject or grade acceleration. The only school in the region that seems to have some sort of gifted program doesn't test until 2nd grade for placement. NYS doesn't seem like a good state for gifted education. Sigh!