Okay, my DD is only 3.5, so why the hurry? Well, I like to stay ahead. I spent a year researching preschool options and am very happy with the part-time montessori inspired preschool she attends. DD is advanced in math and spelling; but hasn't started to read yet (Her teacher did mention that she is starting to read at school this week). One of my friends gave me a Kindergarten workbook and DD was able to complete it in one sitting as long as I read the instructions. She is doing 1st grade math with no training- add/subtract numbers within 10, tells time to the minute on digital and analog, etc. I am afraid that by the time she is 5,kindergarten curriculum would not fit her needs. I need advice/input from parents who have gone through this. Here are my options:
1. Continue at current preschool (ages 3-6) and worry about formal school when she turns 6-essentially kick the can down 1 year.
2. Start at the only accredited Montessori school in the area (K-8) when she is 5 but request she be placed in elementary (6-9 yo) instead of primary (3-6yo). This would be an expensive option.
3. I researched and there seems to be no programs for gifted in our public school district. So I am not sure if I would be able to advocate for any enrichment within the school system. However, this is the cheapest option. I live in NY Capital region and there is not much for gifted programs here, as far as I researched.

Any advice is appreciated even if it "don't worry about this yet. Give it some time." Thank you!