Thanks so much for all the feedback. I am not certain why I was not receiving any alerts on this topic, perhaps they went in my spam box? I just assumed that no one had responded to this topic. LOL I am glad I came back and checked it out.

The boys have both been accepted to Montessori Peaks Academy. I am not sure if this is the direction we will go as I think we would still need to find a home in that district. Does anyone have experience with this school? I love the Montessori school my youngest is in right now and it will be hard to beat it. It sits on 10 acres and it is school without "feeling" like school. We have been in "bad" Montessori programs before and I know it is easy to get into one. My husband has toured the school and I plan on going out soon to also take a tour and would like to have a few others lined up to visit. The people running MPA seem very responsive and nice.

I am still looking at the other districts and schools. I am just struggling with his scores and if he would be accepted into the programs or if I need to do anything else to ensure placement. He had really good scores on the WRIT and the WJ-III scoring in the 144% in math but this year he took the CogAt when he was sick and did not do as well. I know most of the schools in Denver go off of the CogAT scores and I am worried that his CogAt scores will hurt him. Is anyone familiar with the WRIT and the WJ-III? Would you suggest us doing a different type of testing?