I have to be short right now due to limited time but wanted to suggest a few other people to ask. I am one of the gifted youth coordinators for Denver Mensa but I don't live in Denver. You might want to try sending an email to the other Denver Mensa GYC, though as she has kids in school in that area and might have some knowledge of the schools you are considering.

Her email link is on this page. http://www.denver.us.mensa.org/gifted.php

If you're on Facebook, also consider joining the young Mensans page to ask the other parents there. I'll approve your request to join smile .

One other thought in regard to the Littleton schools with the large number of GT ided kids. We have that in some of my local schools too. Most of the kids with GT ids are not HG. CO considers achievement in the 95th percentile in any one subject coupled with any one of the following to be gifted: teacher recommendation, parent recommendation, behavioral characteristics, a 95th percentile score on one part of the CogAT, high grades, and maybe some other possibilities that I am forgetting right now. We've had to do a lot more than just the GT classes to make a reasonable fit for our HG kids.