I'm new here, but I'm not sure I'm in the right place. I posted this on the parenting forum I usually post on, but unfortunately ended up with replies critiquing my parenting and doubting the skills my child does really have. My daughter will be 3 in a few months, and while I don't know if she's gifted, I do get a lot of comments about how smart/advanced/intelligent she is when she is talking and playing near other 2-3 year olds. I know she's very bright and advanced, but I don't think I can determine, yet, if she's gifted. I hesitate to list her skills because of the reaction I got on the other parenting forum.

I hadn't planned on enrolling her in a 3-year-old preschool program, but I'm starting to feel she needs more than just library story time, trips to the zoo, play dates, and other SAHM activities we do. Socially, she doesn't like to play with other kids her age because, "They don't play right." She plays much better with older kids. I think she would also benefit from taking instruction from someone other than me, as well as being engaged in new activities with new materials.

So, I've been researching area preschool options, and I've set up a visit at the nearby Montessori preschool. I was wondering if any of you would share your experiences with Montessori preschool and an advanced child. Were/are the activities engaging? Do the kids have the opportunity to learn how to interact with each other? Was/is your child happy there?
