I thought I'd make this a separate thread from my intro, as it has more to do with my son's behavior, mostly in school. Basically, it's going downhill. E has been suspended three times since coming back from winter break; the third time was today. He's having better behavior in class, but now the problem seems to be during lunch and recess, and sometimes at home.

E has started hitting kids during recess, which obviously is unacceptable. When he gets called in to the principal's office, he starts acting really weird, almost infantile. He'll crawl under the table, run away if possible, refuse to talk (but will make shrieking noises sometimes). He does this at home sometimes, too, if we ask him to do something he doesn't want to do (homework, clean his room, etc). It's as if he's reverting to toddler stage, and it's just about impossible to talk with him or get him to do anything when he's like this. The plus-side for him is that he gets left alone, at least for a time, and doesn't have to face consequences.

The school is still working on his evaluation, but they should be finished within a few weeks. I had planned on waiting until it was finished to do anything, but two suspensions in less than a week is too many. We have an appointment with the ped tomorrow, and I'm hoping to get a rec for...a therapist perhaps? I'm not even sure, but I feel that it's gone too far. Wandering around the room and distracting classmates is one thing, hitting them and then turning into a toddler is another.

Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to turn it around? It's relatively new to us; I certainly don't remember it happening last year in first grade.