I'm right there with you. DS will be 5 in mid August and will be one of the youngest if not THE youngest in class. He's now in special ed pre-school due to his other problems and is thriving socially but as he says he learns "nothing" though I know he's been learning a lot of the important things like sitting on his spot, following directions, etc. Our K is only half day and now that he has learned the basic school rules and we see he can actually follow them (not following was our big concern for years!) we're getting to the point of him not being able to learn much in K. I went through the K curriculum a few times and on that extensive list he's got all down except for some sight words reading and writing (I'm guessing this will be an ongoing issue with him). K is not mandatory here so I am actually considering either homeschooling or skipping K all together and just having him be home for another year. I doubt anyone will make any accommodations here and gifted pull out doesn't start till the kids are in 2nd grade. He's already dumbing himself down coming home telling me he "learned" something new (stuff he's known for 2 years) and suddenly pretends it's a new concept and acts like he knows nothing beyond that point.