Hmmmm. Complicated.

DD has never been what I'd call a "good sleeper." Some of that is medically explainable, but not all.

When she was well:

Napped until about 30 months-- but only to a total of about 9-10 hours of sleep every 24, which was only about an hour less than she'd ever done. We did sometime enforce "quiet" time, which is a self-defense mechanism when you have a kid that sleeps this little.

We never had a time when she did two naps. I was very confused when I'd read or hear about that. LOL.

For many years, her sleep needs drifted gradually lower-- until she hit a low at about 12yo of around 7 hrs nightly.

She's now into that teenaged-zombie mode where they'll sleep for 10-11 hours. Mostly, we try to make sure that she gets a solid 8 hours and call it good (which it seems to be).

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.