What is driving the behavior is that niece's older sister has just been diagnosed with NLD, her dad is ADHD-H with concussion syndrome on top of it, and my sis is and always has been a type-A she's never wrong about anything type of a person. She & hubby argue and pick at each other so much that no one in our family wants to be around them at all. The whole family is a complete disaster, and I feel so badly for them. DD adores the oldest, and when she is still getting blamed for everything, even things that I directly saw she didn't do and tell sis that, kid still gets blamed, it breaks DD's heart. The niece either has dad's ADHD or is trying to get negative attention, not sure which, but it makes sense that she'd be acting like this, the poor kid. I've been on lexapro for 5 yrs for PTSD and just tapered down off it and opened my eyes. The past 3 visits I've always been in my office (right across the hall) or been in my bedroom listening with the baby monitors, so I knew that DD needed to be watched & protected while she was playing with niece,and I would tell my sis about behavior I heard directly, but I didn't have the sense to put my foot down about it. THIS time it was in my face because DD finally snapped and jumped on niece and pulled her hair, which she has never so much as touched or pushed another kid. THAT showed me that there was a serious problem. And then when the lying incidents right in front of me & hubby happened, and even after I explained that we do not allow lying in this house, it still continued, and sis said it was "just teasing" or it wasn't niece's fault because that's how her older sis treats her, I hit the end of my patience. Told sis they were no longer allowed here and told her why, then got the response back that my daughter is too sensitive and I baby her..... That's the whole scenario.