Originally Posted by momofonegirl
The verbal comprehension score was low. This brought her overall score down a lot. She scored high on vocabulary, but the others were low. This does not make much sense to me since DD6 is a highly verbal child and explains concepts precisely. What are the tasks in this area?

I am certainly not an expert in this area but I think I can offer a general answer to this and hope that someone else steps in to correct it or add to it. I think that the comprehension part tests knowledge of social standards of behavior and common sense reasoning skills. I don't actually know of any examples or anything, so I can't help you there; I'm sorry. If your daughter was uncertain or anxious about this subtest because it asked about unfamiliar situations, perhaps that could have affected her. You may want to ask the tester about her answering style. Did she shut down if she thought she was wrong?

I totally agree with all the other posters; you know your daughter best. If your gut tells you "this isn't my daughter," then it's probably not. I know it's hard to shake the numbers, but you will. I'm so sorry they weren't what you were expecting. Go back and look at her WJIII scores (don't you have some?); aren't those more in line with what you see on a daily basis?

Lastly, I'm going to look at my notes from my recent phone consultation with the Gifted Development Center about my DD6. We did talk about some auditory processing issues but I can't remember all of the details. I'll PM you; be looking for it in your messages!
