Mom of One-

The IQ points associated with breastfeeding are still in a gray area. I'm a newly retired La Leche League leader and though I think there are many wonderful and amazing benefits to extended nursing, the *possible* enhancement of IQ is not one of the primary reasons I encourage it. I believe most studies have shown a more modest advantage of 5-7 IQ points, and that has been disputed as the studies haven't always looked at the intelligence or education level of the mother. More intelligent and/or educated women tend to choose breastfeeding and stick with it for a longer period. Obviously, if you don't factor in these sort of details (and I haven't even heard anyone ask about the father's IQ, as if that doesn't matter?!) it makes it tough to see what's the actual cause of the slight edge in the smarts department. So please, don't beat yourself up over this.

I also agree with other posters here. If those scores don't seem to represent the level of intelligence you observe, don't sweat it. Parents know their children best. I really like the snapshot analogy-even a supermodel will sometimes look bad in a photo. But if your child consistently seems to underperform or do less well than you expect on tests, then maybe you need to look at 2e issues or readjust your thinking.