Our kids are yet to be tested ... we don't need it at this point but will go that route if we need to in the future ... but I'm pretty sure they are both in the gifted range. The older one I'm guessing will be somewhere around where I was as a kid (140-145) and the younger one, while he's got more challenges to overcome, I believe is higher than that but it will be really hard to do any accurate testing. The boys are 19 months apart.

My older sister and I are almost 6 years apart and while I was the one doing all the funky gifted stuff, she's probably higher average. She is smart, no doubts ... but there are times when I feel like she needs a good smack over her head with a frying pan to get that light bulb going! (and it's NOT because of siblings rivalry! :)). ... which makes me wonder if maybe age difference comes into play somewhere in this too? ... just thinking out loud.