Thank you. I want to try to get him involved in something for gifted children outside the school since the school refuses to do anything for him but I don't think his test scores are high enough.
Here are his test results:
Scores Summary
VCI 124
PRI 133
WMI 135
PSI 115
FSIQ 134

Subtest Scores
Similarites Raw 26 Scaled 16
Vocabulary Raw 37 Scaled 15
Comprehension Raw 18 Scaled 11

Block Design Raw 48 Scaled 16
Picture Concepts Raw 20 Scaled 15
Matrix Reason. Raw 23 Scaled 15

Digit Span Raw 20 Scaled 16
Letter Num. Seq. Raw 20 Scaled 16

Coding Raw 31 Scaled 9
Symbol Search Raw 28 Scaled 16