Hi everybody,
I've been browsing threads since I found out that my DS7 is highly gifted. I have found a lot of useful information and think this site is great!
I was wondering if anybody has any thoughts or advice to offer regarding specific concerns I have about my DD.
She just turned 9 and is in 4th grade. While she has not been formally identified as gifted, she has a lot of traits of a bright child. My worry is that she has some OCD tendencies and is extremely reserved in the classroom and tends to obsess about how she is perceived by others, which in return makes her shut down. She literally sits in the classroom with a blank look on her face most of the time. Once she gets comfortable with people around her, she is very outgoing, funny and witty. However, that can take months.
So what do I do? Has anybody elses child been through this? How do I help her? I'm not sure if the extreme reserved behavior has anything to do with giftedness or is it one of her OCD traits?