Our DS10 is now essentially double-skipped. He skipped Kindergarten, though with a birthday only a week from the cutoff, and this year he is doing 5th-6th-7th grades, but mostly 6th. He is still officially in 5th grade but he's only taking one class there, along with one 7th (math) and the rest 6th. Next year he will be a 7th grader with 8th math. Assuming no more skips, we're looking at starting his senior year at 15, which will be interesting, but we'll take it as it comes.

This second skip is working out really well so far. He's doing well in the middle school (which is 6-7-8 here), getting along fine with those kids, and the work is making him happier even though some of it is still too easy. We don't have any regrets as yet.