Same here. DS 5 have all those tendencies as well. I think introducing them to challenging activities is key. I thought to myself, DS is in Kindergarten and all the kids have to start working hard from day 1 trying to learn what is being taught. This is not the case for our DS. To me, if that continues, will be a disaster. Like MsFritz said, what happens when finally, years and years down the line, it gets hard? He will have no way to cope and no work discipline.

That is one of the reasons he does KUMON math. He gets so frustrated and angry when he can't master something right away. I actually love seeing it. Sounds mean but I think it is awesome that he has to actually fight to learn something. And he sticks with it and feels very proud once he works through it. We also keep him enrolled in some kind of sport. He was in soccer after school this fall and complained he was the worst of them all. The day of the last class he had anxiety and didn't want to go. The teacher actually called me and said he was begging not to go. I didn't give in, and sent him anyway. He went and when I picked him up we had a great chat about the whole situation. It was one of those "valuable lesson learned" type moments.