Thanks everyone for sharing your valuable experiences with me.

Master of none, normally I don't try to beat her (to teach her), for some reason I got lost in doing the pattern and accidentally finished ahead of her. But if she does lose, IMHO, she should lose graciously and it shouldn't prevent her from wanting to compete again. Thanks for the tips on how to encourage her while we are competing, though, because I lack in that area and am glad you pointed it out to me, maybe that would make it less painful for her to work at it again.

I never considered a musical instrument before but that is a great suggestion. She seems to love the piano she got as a 4 year old (small and inappropriate for her now) so maybe I will check into getting her a full size keyboard for her birthday and see if she can spark some interest.

Otherwise, the only sports she is interested in are individual sports (she does dance and Isshinyru Karate). She completely melts down over team sports (which is the same reaction towards team sports that I always had myself so I relate to that feeling) and it never dawned on me that this was fostering her inability to try harder.

MsFriz, I am working on your suggestions. She will be formally tested in February and with that information I can figure out what options I need to exercise. Thank you for validating my concerns.