Anyone else deal with this? What are your kid's symptoms? We live in western WA and we are noticing a seasonal pattern to DS's problems. At three we blamed it on adjusting to a new sibling, at four we blamed it on a bad preschool fit and undiagnosed sensory issues. Now at five we are looking into seasonal allergies (mold) next week but the nurse practitioner brought up the possibility of seasonal affective disorder.

We went to the clinic because in the winter he looks and acts kind of sickly (dark circles under his eyes, irritable and pale pale skin). Last year he drew our family and in complete seriousness colored himself light gray. I was thinking he was anemic or needed vitamins or something. She said his Flintstone once a day is all he needs. She referred us to an allergist and advised us to come back if he either doesn't have allergies or if the irritability persists after the allergies are treated. The irritability is basically that he acts like a tired kid all the time.

I didn't bring up any of the gifted/dyslexia/Eide wait list stuff with the nurse practitioner. I suppose "mental stuff" like that might be relevant to a discussion about SAD but this person was in a rush. I know this because she mentioned several times how she only had a few minutes for our appointment and couldn't really answer questions. Ugh.