I don't know if this is okay to post or not so someone tell me if I am out of line. I have the opportunity to have a one hour phone consultation with a psychologist who works with gifted kids and twice-exceptional kids at the Belin-Blank Center. I'd like to ask her where to head next and what we should do about our son. Here are some of my previous posts:

Sensory Issues

Gifted and ADHD

Gifted and Gut Issues

more challenge at school ....

Given what you've read about my situation, what questions would you ask? What would you bring up? I'd like to maximize my time with her and not spend the whole hour on background and my frustrations. How do I stay focused on next steps when I'm so frustrated? Does that make sense?

She'll have some background information that I just filled out and his WISC/WIAT results (I think). Many of you know that I'm struggling to find some answers to his behavior issues.

What I am is good enough, if I would only be it openly. ~Carl Rogers