My work has really ramped up, and I have not been able to be on here as much as possible....missed everyone and seeing updates and successes!

I thought I would share out mid-year updates. DS6 is in Kindergarten, and I have spent a great deal of the year feeling like we should have pushed for early entrance into Kindy last year. But that is nothing I can deal with now.

I had a parent-teacher conference last week for ds. Of course, the teacher was NEVER going to say, "You were right" about my earlier suggestion that ds was ahead in reading/math/etc...but she gets the picture now.

DS is in his own reading group with her, now reading at a H level (I'm thinking still too low) but amazingly higher than his original level C-D assessment revealed. The teacher was very encouraging that he is a great student who is interested in learning and generally a good kid in class. He has tested out of every Kindy skill she's tested (99%) which was no surprise to me, though she still feels that he is doing very well in K because of his confidence, good peer interactions, etc. I do worry how his self-confidence would be effected if we pushed for 1st grade at this point.

My next big news is that the pyschologist we found (who is amazing) to work with got insurance to approve covering 90% of testing! Wahoo! My dh is still unclear as to why I felt testing would be helpful, but with ds so close to being age-appropriate for the next grade up, I believe this testing could be helpful if needed (and the school wants the WISC which is what the psychologist will administer).

Bad news is that ds has been struggling with a lot of asthma since weather got colder here. He just finished a course of Prednisone and was still struggling. Now they have him on a 10-day course of Biaxin because of budding bronchitis and a preventive inhalder (Flovent) twice a day. Hoping this does the trick...he had an attack yesterday running home from the bus-stop (it was in the 20's outside).

Any advice on how to manage asthma with the school is welcome. I am concerned recess is going to get increasingly worse, but I hate to make him stay in. I was ticked because two days in a row the school nurse forgot (FORGOT?) to administer his albuterol at school. Grrrrr.

Anyway...that's my story.