Originally Posted by Hils
On the WISC-IV, his GAI was 143 with his PR score significantly higher than VC.

I am not sure how different the PRI an VC were, but this is another area that might make finding a "right" school difficult - kids who have significant scatter in abilities may need to be grade levels ahead in some areas but need at-grade-level or lower work in their areas of challenge. Rather than finding the "right school" I think that many times, for kids with mixed-level abilities, finding a good *teacher* fit is equally as effective, if not even more important.

Originally Posted by Hils
He "gets" math concepts right away and can't seem to bear the practice and repetition that goes on in 2nd grade.

FWIW, this might be a math mis-match that disappears next year - it could be he's stuck with a rote-repetition-non-inspiring teacher for math this year, or it could mean he's just not inspired by the math as presented at school this year. Although it's not an ideal solution, it might be helpful to look to next year and know that the teacher will change, and the subject matter will change and this year won't be forever. AGAIN... not the ideal solution.


ps - I'm also not much into the concept of drilling math facts into young kids' heads, no matter how high their IQ or how mathy they may be. With all three of my kids I've seen that rapid-fire level of math fact knowledge is going to come when the student is ready developmentally - and that can be a huge difference in ages... for some kids (even very high IQ kids) it might not happen until 9-10 years old. For others it can happen *very* young. But... if you try to drill facts incessantly with a child who isn't ready developmentally it's just going to be frustrating. It's also not necessarily going to hold them back from discovering higher level math either - they might work a bit more slowly or they might use a calculator, but not being able to spit out rapid-fire math facts doesn't mean a child isn't ready for higher level math, especially not for young highly gifted math-oriented kids smile

Last edited by polarbear; 12/04/12 12:58 PM.