Our children have had the WJ-III Test of Cognitive Abilities, and it's also the test that is used in our school district for SPED placement rather than the WISC when a full IQ vs achievement evaluation is given. My older dd and ds have had the WISC too, and fwiw, I actually like the information and reports that come with the WJ-III better than what we have from the WISC. Just a small difference, and probably more important in our case because our kids are 2e, but when the WJ-III Cognitive and WJ-III Achievement tests are given together, the subtests can be grouped in multiple ways to understand learning style, strengths, weaknesses etc. I haven't seen the WISC given in combination with the WAIS, and I suspect you could get the same type of info there, but fwiw, even with the WJ-III alone rather than combined, I felt like I came away with a clearer understanding of my child's cognitive abilities. *BUT* ... my EG ds is dealing with a ton of scatter in abilities.

I don't know how true this is, but fwiw our school district psych told me our school district uses the WJ-III over the WISC because it doesn't have ceiling issues and because it is valid through adult ages, where the WISC (I think?) has an upper age limit (again, I'm not an expert on this, so only take what I say as hearsay and definitely check it out before assuming it's good info!).
