Thanks to everyone for some good food for thought.

Jaimey-The cold hard cash idea is intriguing. DH had considered charging him his day's tuition or a portion thereof when he'd wasted the day or part of the day. We probably won't head the money route though since that hasn't motivated him much in the past. I'm glad it works for you.

Moving him up to the next class might be worth trying. At this point they already let him get works from over there and bring them back. But maybe he just needs to work in that environment.

Polarbear- you aren't the first to wonder if he just won't find motivation in a Montessori. I've wondered it myself. But the truth is- the public schools here are really subpar (as in- in trouble with the state and only focused on teaching kids to pass tests that will get them out of trouble). The few other private schools are pretty awful and aren't really an option for us. We are in a rural area and the fact is it's either this school or homeschool. My current way of motivating DS is losing my temper- not ideal. So for now, he will probably have to stay put.