Originally Posted by intparent
"For example, just 1000 of the NMSF students were Jewish yet 3000 got into the top 3 Ivies. That means that 2000 of the non-Jewish NMSF were denied."

Is there an assumption here that all NMSFs apply to a top Ivy? My D is NMSF this year, and is not applying to any top Ivys (or MIT or Caltech). And she is not the only one... of the four NMSFs at her high school, I think only one is applying to ANY ivys. One is applying ED to Reed, one is going to Michigan Tech on a scholarship, and D is hoping for a U of Chicago admit. There is one boy who MIGHT apply to an Ivy, but I actually suspect that Carleton is his top choice. So that is, um... 0 to 25% of the NMSF pool at our high school applying to a top Ivy.

I'm very confused by that statement, too.

3000 meaning what? NMSF? Or Jewish students? Or something else entirely?

I'm clearly missing something in that statement.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.