My son is 9 and has been a DYS since age 7. He is also autistic which was diagnosed when he was 2.5. He was nonverbal and fit the criteria perfectly. We immediately started ABA therapy and continued with speech and OT. He attended a school for kids with autism from age 3 to 5 and then started mainstream preschool. He has been in a public school for the gifted since he was in 2nd grade. (He's now in 4th.) He is "still" and always will be autistic. He thinks differently than the other gifted kids, even other PG kids. But he goes to a regular school (along with all the good and bad involved in that.).

Kindergarten was a disaster, but life for him has become easier with each subsequent grade. Despite having an IEP for his autism diagnosis, he had to go through detentions and suspensions. We've thought about homeschooling would be easier than waiting for the school to call to inform us about another behavior infraction. Despite everything, he loves going to school. He gets supplemented academically at home, but we haven't had to supplement with outside therapies for a year.

My point is that PG-ness and autism do coexist. There is no "cure" for autism and I think it is hurtful to say there should be. Autistics don't communicate in the way other people want them to. There is a whole movement going on describing how important it is to allow different types of neurodiversity! Check out The Autcast, Karla's ASD page, Wrong Planet for example.

I know there is a whole spectrum of autism; having lived in the world for 7 years I know lots of nonverbal kids, teens, and young adults. Why did my kid become verbal and they did not? I don't know. But I do know that my son is autistic and I hope he will always be proud to be. He's unique in every way.
