Originally Posted by master of none
This sounds like child abuse that must be reported to the authorities. A book isn't going to do it. Tell them exactly what you have written here.

This. Except...

The sad state of affairs is that the state has no authority to intervene unless the home environment presents a clear and present danger to the child. Otherwise, parents enjoy the legal right to screw up their children to the best of their abilities. What this means is, when you present the information to the authorities, you want to show how it endangers your niece. She has no legal right to happiness or emotional stability, but she does have a right to be safe from harm.

I have some knowledge in this area, as our family is currently being screened to become a foster home. We've completed all the necessary training.

From what you've said here, here are some aspects to look at to demonstrate danger:

- The mom's behavior towards the animals is illegal, and could be used to demonstrate potential for violence.
- The erratic behavior of the mom requires closer scrutiny, for any possible psychological problems that would indicate she's a danger to your niece.
- The child's emotional state should be more closely examined for clinical depression and possible suicidal thoughts. If you have any information that suggests she's contemplating suicide, you must act immediately to inform the authorities.

Hopefully, you can work with your local child protection agency to create a speedy intervention that results in your niece being removed from that environment, because from what you've said, it sounds like that's exactly what's required. In this case, your niece would need somewhere to live, preferably with a caring adult who understands her, with whom she already has an established bond... hint hint hint.

If that happens, be ready to have an emotional roller coaster on your hands.