So PT conferences are in two days and I am trying figure out my gameplan. For DS1 age 9 (3rd grade), I already know, based on some email interaction, that the teacher is going to pull the: "he's not focused/paying attention" card on me. I am trying to figure out how to suggest that it is because he is bored and underchallenged without alienating her. And the areas of concern are reading and writing, which are usually things he is very interested in doing. He has no problems focusing in accelerated math and his gifted pull-out, so how do I convince her that it is something that needs to be changed in her classroom? Would love any advice from those of you who have had this talk before. I have done it with previous teachers, with relatively little success. So any advice from the pros on this board would be greatly appreciated!

Then there's DS2 age 6 (1st grade) who is my hider. I know he is capable of more than he is showing, but what he is showing at school is the picture of a totally average 1st grader. Now, I don't think he is way over the top gifted, but I do think he is just doing the minimum and trying not to stand out in the crowd. But again, not sure how to say this in a way that will really get heard. Plus, what I really need are strategies for getting him motivated to show his abilities and if the teacher only sees the facade, how do I convince her to look deeper and encourage him to stretch?!

Ugh, now that there are two of them in school, these conference days are getting much harder!
TIA to anyone willing to share ideas/suggestions!