Originally Posted by cairistoina
My argument was that the acceleration is his sdi. I guess now I just need to find a way to support that argument.

Do they take away the IEPs of special needs children once the accommodations are in place? Of course not, they keep the IEP and check periodically to be sure that the accommodations are working and that additional accommodations are not needed. IMO, this is the same thing.

Also being gifted is NOT equivalent to being an average 2nd grader in a first grader's body. As we all know, they tend to think differently, have different instructional needs, and often just experience the classroom differently. These differences will not disappear just because he's in a classroom with kids a year older. Appropriate gifted instruction is not/should not simply be an advanced regular curriculum.

I agree, I would fight this. It is illogical to remove the GIEP because they feel like they have fulfilled the necessary accommodations. Your child still meets the criteria for receiving the GIEP even if they feel the current accommodations are appropriate. The accommodations don't remove the need for the GIEP anymore than appropriate accommodations would negate the need for a regular IEP.

Good luck!