Our school (well, okay-- national, not local) tried this one on us after they did a second skip.

DD was supposed to be enrolled in the GT versions of math and language arts, and they argued that the skip was the enrichment. (We eventually won, but it took a LOT of politely persistent phone calls on my part and two weeks.) We also got hamstrung down the line by one of these Faustian, "if you do this, don't ask for anything else-- ever" agreements. Don't be us. LOL.

Use their policy:

that enables identified students to participate in acceleration and enrichment programs

Well, then that's it. Sounds to me like they are telling you that this is "or" rather than the "and" which is there in writing.

Make them explain how "or" keeps your son's education "appropriate to his needs" as a learner.

In other words-- polite but firm. They aren't following their own policy. Ask why not.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.