So yesterday he comes home with yet another sheet from an outside of the classroom break. He wrote on there that his behavior was "giving the wrong anwers on purpose". The teacher added that this was the reason for the initial in-the-classroom break but that he was then sent to the out-of-class break because he was 'not taking it seriously...smiling...playing with things near him, etc..."

My first thought is 'what are they "teaching" that he is purposely giving wrong answers to?' It turns out they were doing something called "Word Play" and it involved the teacher saying a word (i.e. hat) and the call responding by breaking it into sounds (i.e "huh-AT")or vice versa where she would pronounce the sounds and the class would say the combined word. If this is accurate then I'm not surpprised that he was acting up. This is the kind of thing that interested him at about age 2.5

The second thing is the idea of 'not taking it serously' in re: to his punishment. I am guessing that he is finding it hard to take much of anything seriously with regards to school right now because it hasn't actually involved any real WORK from him as of yet.

Lastly, and most, concerningly to me, is the fact that when I asked DS if he likes this particular activity he told me "yes". I asked him why, if he found it boring and was getting introuble, that he lilked it. He told me that it was because he "only likes easy stuff" and that he doesn't like "anything that's hard". I'm really afraid that his sense of self is really getting skewed by this school experience and I'm not sure how to address it without sounding bitchy. Any thoughts?

Last edited by vwmommy; 10/31/12 12:59 PM.