Talking with schools takes practice so start with your least favorites and see how your advocacy blossoms! One thing that worked well was not only contacting the principals, but also contacting the school psychologists. Parenting a child that is out of synch with their peers is challenging- both for kids that are way behind average but also kids that run way ahead. Parents want to feel proud, but also understand the difficulty of discussing kids that are ahead of their peers. Psychologists can help observe and offer a mediation between parents and administrators, especially if there is observation and testing to help back up the issues at hand.

Testing was a great investment because it seemed to help advocate on a "data" level rather than just the emotional level. Even if they didn't have much experience dealing with the problems at hand, nowadays- research is readily available on both sides that can help reach a positive decision faster than ever before. Just don't give up and keep looking for the best solution.