They have 60 days to evaluate him, which they've done. I don't know what the timeline is for calling an ARD meeting, or if they are even required to do one.

Ms A wrote back to me - 'The accommodations that we are currently providing for him are working well on general ed. platform. Therefore we would like to continue with this for a while to see better results. If you are willing to have an immediate evaluation we can consider that at any time. I did not mean we exclude this possibility, we were just seeing improvement and wanted to see if he can manage on the regular platform.'

I basically wrote back a frigging novel with all my concerns! LoL. We'll see what happens. I know DS is doing pretty well at the moment, but he still clearly has a lot of issues with organization and memory, and he periodically misunderstands things (like when work is to be completed at home vs at school.) My primary concern is making sure all this stuff is IN WRITING. People doing accommodations for him out of the goodness of their heart is all well and good, but that doesn't provide him any real protection, nor does it help us for state testing or for the next several years of schooling he's got! Blarg!
