Hi mithawk,curious about your DD, which grade is she in and is she accelerated? I am still trying to find a high school, it has been difficult and I am not about to give up, though university presents another option for us.

HowlerKarma, I have explored online offerings, including EPGY where he finished Grade 10 Math work and LAW about 3 years ago. I will put him on the CTY Talent Search since he will be officially starting Grade 7 soon. He has also taken undergrad and grad distant and in-campus classes.

Thank you for sharing similar experiences. I am happy to learn that it is possible to grow out of the intimidation of students a few years older. So far, I have observed that the much older kids are a lot more accommodative and the slightly older kids are more judgmental.

BTW, DS's three older siblings were all early entrants, but they never had school or social problems, and never had anxiety issues. They were 14 when they took the SAT and scored above 700 for all categories, so I knew they were ready. He is only 12, and had so many issues in the past, and his scores were not as high, I wasn't sure where he stands.

The good advice I get here will give me a good idea where to look for answers.