I have 5, the first 3 went to college at 14. DD16 and DD15 get along famously. They are 20 months' apart and I deliberately put them into the same sport and same classes, so they are very, very close and look out for each other. I was asked numerous times how they become so close. It was a deliberate action over many years.

DS18 and DS12 do not get along. DS18 has graduated from college and DS12 is my brightest child. These two are the brightest and have conflicting views all the time. According to my girls they are identical, though they do not see it.

DS18 and DS9 get along very well again! DS18 fetches DS9 where he needs to go.

DS12's best friend is DD15. Opposite gender but get along really well. Their personality match.

DS12 and DS9 bicker all the time over petty issues. I'd like to think it is just a process and if I am successful, they will get along like DD16 and DD15 in a few years. I recall the girls were like that too.

In short, this is just a process, I think they will ultimately get along and love each other, gifted or not, as long as we model how they should live together. smile