You have had 300 students through your group! I had no idea it was so many. Thanks again for organizing it.

3 of the 300 are mine. We've been pretty happy with it, having tried a number of other options (Khan, IXL, Aleks). I am talking about K-7 Math -- our guys haven't gotten to the Algebra yet and Language Arts ... well, let's just say that is much harder to teach with software.

To answer your questions:

1. The current time options are fine with me. We are long term users, so will pick whatever is the least $/month.

2. I wouldn't mind the ability to adjust the software settings (session length, "gifted settings") without bugging the SSA.

3. It would be nice if they made logging in and out easier for situations where different kids use the same computer. A user name and a password one could change, for instance, and not needing to go to one specific screen to have the account switch actually work.

4. I personally wouldn't use the tutoring, but I know others that might.

5. The social networking seems like a bad idea to me, or at minimum something that should be easy to turn off.

6. One thing to absolutely keep is the lack of "game-ification." Getting a question wrong is no big deal in the current software -- making it into a big deal is counterproductive with many kids.

7. It would be nice if they could provide a little more transparency into how the software decides to serve up what questions. I noticed one child was getting a few questions that were harder at level 5.2 than my other child (at 5.7) had ever gotten. Does it bring in enrichment questions when a child is doing especially well on something? Is the idea that this might be used by schools and kids might not be allowed to go beyond grade level, so sneak in some harder material when you can?