Welcome! I have a newly-turned 6 year old ds in K. He is a math/science kid too smile

I recently had a "who's kid have you confused with mine" moment with ds' teacher when she assessed him at reading level D (he's reading early chapter books with ease - not SUPER high but not beginning reader level). I was told my ds had issues with comprehension, which is crazy.

I discovered ds has pretty severe performance /text anxiety which is skewing everything at school. Now my ds will gladly read to me, so I can get an idea of where he should be.

We are working the AR program so 1) he can read at appropriate level and 2) he can practice test taking with no graded consequences.

Does the teacher sense his anxiety? Would a school counsrlor be available to meet with him and assessed his in-school anxiety?

Last edited by Evemomma; 10/22/12 08:03 PM.