This might seem counterintuitive but you might see about watching another kid close to her age during the day. My mom and another mom down the street had this arrangement when I was a preschooler. It gave both moms free time and they say we were easier to watch together than separately because we kept each other entertained. Since it was someone from my street, I was able to start kindergarten with a friend.

My mom also gave me an easy to operate tape recorder and told me to talk to it instead. I loved listening to myself talk. (should have been a cue I'd grow up to be a lawyer)

Anyway, my mom was a lot like you. I only remember her playing with me once and it was kind of awkward. She is same way with her grandsons. Grandma = movie marathon. Don't feel guilty. Some people just can't get into all that stuff and it is fine.

My brother and I also had a lot of screen time. She likes to tell people that my brother's skill in arthroscopic surgery is due entirely to her allowing him to play video games as much as he wanted as a kid. I am sure this is ridiculous but at this point we indulge her.