Originally Posted by Pemberley
She made more than 20 mistakes (including reading the main character's name wrong each time i.e. saying "Tad" for "Ted".) After completing the book when asked what happened in the story she recounted it, exactly. I mean just about word for word.

I had a feeling this is what is going on with my son as well. I am not sure yet if he has dyslexia or not but he has the convergence issues and he often sees 'e' as 'a', skips small words, etc. So when we read at home he might read a word like "Ted" as "Tad" and I'll say "no" and he'll quickly correct himself. I am thinking at school that just counts as a mistake. I have had the experience of having him read a book fine at home then the the next day he reads it for the teacher and she'll tell me he "struggled with several words." I think what happens is he sometimes he makes small mistakes due to his vision issues and they count as mistakes whereas at home I just say "look again" and give him a chance to correct himself. I don't know - I just know that DS and I both hate the system ... Ds' teacher tries to make it more palatable - she made a deal with him that on Fridays he can books from any basket and so he loves to bring him the one or two leveled-up books - that is the ONLY time he gets excited about the books and he is super motivated (that and when he manages to "steal" a higher level book).