Ok, it's been a while since I've been here and posted (years in fact) but my wife and I are at a loss as to what to do. I have two kids DS10, DD8. Both are in the profoundly gifted range. Both are also on the smaller size as far as their age groups. DS is slightly below average where DD is in the 10th percentile. Really tiny. Had Kawasaki's Disease as an infant and that may have retarded her growth slightly. Neither are particularly athletic. They are both in a school for highly gifted kids. My problem is both are extremely LONELY!. Neither has made good friends. We live in a neighborhood with a few children their age that go to the neighborhood public school but they just don't mesh with the kids and the kids don't get them either. They have have come home daily upset and in tears that they don't have friends and don't know why. They are so special, so sweet, so caring, very shy, and definitely non-aggressive. They just can't interact with kids in ways that "normal" kids interact and make friends. My son said he just wishes he was normal. He hates the way he is. It is breaking our hearts to see them this way. To add insults to injury kids can be so "mean" without realizing how mean they are being. And as intelligent as my kids are they are also highly sensitive. What normally roles off other kids backs they will obsess about for days. "Why would they say this. I thought we were friends. They act like they hate me now" etc. Sorry to be ranting but this is the only place I feel I can talk about this and people get it. I'm just lost at how to handle this.