Yup. Me too. Same exact thing. I have no advice, just commiseration.

Until... DS8's new grade 3 teacher made an amazing comment:

"It's as if... his mind is racing a mile a minute and the class is too easy for him so retreats into a more interesting place. I'm not supposed to diagnose anything, but let's just say he does better when he's challenged."

I wanted to HUG HER.

She couldn't really offer him any enrichment (he's on a reduced workload IEP already because of his ADHD) but she did suggest that I let him work out of his sister's (grade 5) math text book.


I know you're thinking "if she's not willing/able to enrich him, why are you happy?" ...because it's nice that she GETS him.

She's also willing to let him skip school once a month or so to let me enrich him one-on-one. (a.w.e.s.o.m.e.) I've suggested this in the past and have been met with resistance: "He'll lose too much French exposure." (In their defense I originally suggested home schooling him one day per week, which would have been 24 hrs/month missed French exposure, which is significant at that level).

Anyway, Evemomma, this small progress has taken us until grade 3. I feel your frustration...

Last edited by CCN; 10/09/12 06:12 PM.