Originally Posted by ABQMom
Maybe some of the parents who've been in the trenches with these challenges are the ones who need to be writing the advice books on what to do. smile

(Sorry--at least slightly OT as usual, but please bear with me) After spending this weekend with my delightful DD9 and her cousin, who delighted each other by shouting completely inappropriate lyrics at each other to such songs as "Yellow Submarine" (contributing to a major headache on the part of the adults (mostly me!) in our party who attempted to keep their voices to a not-audible-outside-our-immediate-group level), I am thinking that what we need is to move to an island--or perhaps a city--where there are other like-minded people, so that we are not always having to try to suppress who our kids are. After all, as my sister pointed out, the kids aren't actually doing anything that we haven't seen comedians do on TV--it's just that they're kids (oh, and they're shouting, on a Sunday morning, while traipsing through our neighborhood). I remember hearing a segment on NPR some time ago and IIRC it was about Libertarians (or maybe LGBT persons? seriously, I'm sorry--I can't remember) having a plan to move to a state with a small population (New Hampshire? VT?) so as to basically take over the local/state government and institutions so that they were friendly to such persons. If anyone can afford to buy an island, I would be willing to commit to move there to help establish a 2e Kingdom.

Cheers. I hope your alls' weekend was more relaxing than mine (although some of the songs were pretty funny)