I am assuming GF is not girlfriend? smile

Your poor kiddo (and hugs to you). It is so tough trying to help our children navigate the chaotic world of school when things don't just roll off their back.

He's 7. They aren't learning differential equations yet, so a few days missed won't kill his GPA and chances at getting into the college of his coice, so let him take mental health days once in a while where he doesn't go at all or where he knows you're coming to sign him out for a special early lunch together. My little guy had a terrible match for a teacher in 3rd grade, and this is how I helped him cope with the intensity of pressure he was dealing with (a teacher who was going to "fix" him). We made deals, and he didn't break them - if you stay home today, you will need to go every day for the next week, etc.

He would stay home and play his video games on his GameBoy, build Legos and do what he wanted all day. If I had errands, he went with me. It helped him recharge his batteries, and the days he was at school went better.

Hang in there!