Oh leahchris how awful! {Big Hug} to both you and DGS. What a terrible turn of events!. It sounds like he earned his meltdown last night and keeping him home from school today sounds like the perfect move. I am so sorry this happened to him.

Is there any sort of IEP in place yet? If not how long until your meeting? This situation clearly will not work for your DGS and HAS to change. There is no way that your DGS should have to wait until 2 pm. That is ridiculous. Did you talk to the principal about what happened? I think s/he needs to be aware. Very aware. This tells you that when your IEP is drafted you want them to include a "pass" of some sort that your DGS can use when HE needs it - not when the teacher wants to allow him. He needs to have some sort of kinesthetic breaks built in daily so this can't happen again. Is there a reason he has to give up recess to receive his required counseling services? That sounds like a terrible idea to me. Recess is a built in break which he needs. He may enjoy counseling more than recess but he needs to have both, IMHO.

If you have a good relationship with this principal I would call today and discuss just what went wrong yesterday. I would not rely on the fact that other GF is in town as the reason you kept him home, Make sure the principal know that what went on yesterday was an unmitigated disaster and DGS can not go in today. This needs to be fixed - today - and you will try to send him back on Monday. If I recall correctly Tuesday will be your "service" day instead of school so he only needs to get through one day.

If it is not addressed I would be on the phone with the Dept of Ed in a heartbeat. If they do not agree to provide the kinesthetic breaks and keep recess separate from counseling when you draft the IEP refuse to sign it and insist on mediation. You need someone to knock some sense into them if they are not able to do this on their own.

Good luck leahchris and keep us posted. I hope he has a great day with his visiting GF and that everything turns around next week.