I guess I will stand out saying that my DD6.5 watches Sponge Bob and other uneducational TV programs pretty often (every day...). Plays iPad as well until I pull it out of her hands (and not always math/science related). I used to try and show her "educational" programs as mentioned by others but with no success. She does like programs on PBS where real kids compete and answer questions (sorry, can't remember names) but Sponge Bob would be her first choice at any given time. Drives me crazy but at the same time I don't have real reasons to restrict her from watching except it is really annoying to watch yellow sponge with this ridiculous laugh. I think, this is the part where I let her have "normal" childhood to get rid of the guilt of maybe pushing her forward too much and have something to say to people when they look at me with this "you are THAT (tiger) mom"... Had to use this card at IEP meeting with "Don't get me wrong she is not studing all the time. She is even watching Sponge Bob...." LOL