and I have to add .... tv characters are so much more entertaining than most teachers in my kids' lives ever will be ... so no wonder they learn from the shows so much!
also, I speak to the boys probably 80% of the time in Czech ... they learn their English from TV ... and DS4's vocab is unbelievable to some of our friends. (at 2.5 he'd rather say something was "difficult" than "hard", etc.)
I do agree that there might be some relation between gifted kids learning from TV as opposed to other kids who just zone out and don't get that much out of the shows ... seeing my kids sitting next to our friends' kids there is a huge difference in what the get from the shows. DS4 will tell you all he's learned from the show, our friend's daughter just remembers she saw something and if you really insist on getting an answer, she might remember the name of the show.
Last edited by Mk13; 09/17/12 04:11 PM. Reason: spelling