What you describe sounds a bit like my older son's pattern, though you're describing only one repetition. He was diagnosed at 6 mos, though, yours is 6 yrs?

We had excellent results with a massive dose of beclomethasone maintained for a full year, and an allergy med. We avoided singulair b/c of serious side effects. He is now on a normal dose of bec, and the allergy med, and was able to be off bec out of asthma season.

The main thing I notice about your story is that it sounds like getting Complete control is a problem. You might need to overcall the meds for a while to truly end the current exacerbation, and then be able to go years barite the next. Ummm someone shoot the autocorrect. Anyway, rushing, but might be somewhat brittle asthma, pm me if you want, we have two cases brittle and one case "garden variety" in the family.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!