We're an asthma family - sigh. Me, my brother, and my ds all have "the cough". My sister and mom have the typical wheezing. I think wheezing gets diagnosed much earlier. For us, my mom and sister have had more serious complications (hospitalizations, ambulances) but I think asthma is serious no matter. I'm interested in the resources given here also.

My sister has lung damage due to poorly treated asthma. We never NEVER go without a rescue inhaler (I'm spoiled because, even if I forget one...someone else in the family has theirs).

Crazily enough, my asthma had almost completely disappeared since having kids. My OB said 1/3 of asthmatics worsen with pregnancy (my poor sister), 1/3 stay the same, and the lucky 1/3 may find indefinite relief.

The thing I hate for my ds is how his meds change his moods - especially Singulair (and prednisone...eek). Luckily, my ds only needs bigtime meds in the spring.

Last edited by Evemomma; 09/18/12 08:14 AM.