Ellemenope,wow. Sorry this is happening.

I am new at this, DS just got tested gifted less than a few weeks ago, but I do understand to a certain extent how you feel about the profound thoughts. DS now almost 6 but used to ask the following at 4 also:

"Mama, Lola (grandma) said that god is the most powerful being on earth, then who are god's parents? Who made god? Wouldn't god's parents be more powerful than god?" or "Why are we here on earth? What is the point?"

But the part where your DD talks about death and wishing to be dead strikes me as seriously disconcerting. My apologies I have no specific experience to draw from, DS has not uttered similar words. But if I were to place myself in your shoes, I would immediately contact a children's health professional to evaluate, consult, test extensively, provide support, etc. I hope I am not being an alarmist for nothing, but it seems like a red flag that needs to be addressed now.